Thursday 2 August 2012

Starting August with a BANG!

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." ~ Philippians 4:13

Around 4:30 pm on August 1, 2012 we began hiking up Lion's Head Mountain in hopes to reach the top before the sunset. Since it was my first time ever hiking up a mountain, I wasn't really sure what to expect once I hit the trail. Fortunately, the journey to the top was not too strenuous. There were some areas that caused me some trouble, but once I reached the top all the hard breathing and sweat was definitely worth it! We made it just in time to catch the sun setting on the west and watch the full moon rising on the east.

Words can't even describe how beautiful the scenery was. At the top of the mountain we shared a picnic dinner with sandwiches, chips, apples, and water, and of course we had to have a photo-op. After about an hour or so of enjoying the scenery it began to get dark, and we had to make it back to the bottom before it got too late. Going down was way easier than going up, but by this time my legs were sore and I was tired and ready to get in my bed.

On the way down I began to think about how accomplished I felt when I reached the top. At that point I felt like I could do anything! Climbing this mountain, although a remotely small feat, gave me the momentum I needed to try new things. This experience definitely put me in a positive mindset, and taught me a lesson that I can apply to other areas of my life. Even though the route may be arduous and challenging, in the end it'll all be worth it. This hike was definitely a great way to start my month!