Saturday 21 July 2012

Some beautiful creatures, & some NOT so beautiful

As expected, Africa is home to many different types of animals. So far I have had the pleasure of seeing penguins, cheetahs, leopards (my favorite), ostriches, storks and much more. I'm still waiting for the day I get to see a giraffe though!! 

The cheetahs were lean, had beautiful coats of fur, and moved around so gracefully. When we approached the pair of cheetahs (husband and wive), immediately the female cheetah stood up and gave each of us a stare down and once we had he approval she laid back down. I guess the women run the household for cheetahs too :)

The penguins were one big family, and actually reminded me of own family. They always stick together and have each other's back at all times. 
It was beautiful to see how the young penguins stayed together and took care of each other while some of these older penguins played by the shore.


"Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms."
- George Eliot