Wednesday 15 August 2012

Finding My African Prince.

When I first got to South Africa I imagined all the men walking around with their shirts off, skin glistening, and reminiscent of people like Tyrese Gibson and Idris Alba. You know… the tall, dark, and handsome type. I was certain that I was going to find my African prince, and he was going to wine & dine me, sweep me off my feet, and take me home to his castle. Well I’ve been here over a month now, and let’s just say my prediction was verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry inaccurate L. Instead, I have learned that African men are no different than American men (*whispers* their actually a lot worse).

It has been proven that 99.9% of my encounters with African men have been disastrous. I must have some crazy man magnet in my blood because these people are crazy! They are so aggressive and demanding, and rude even within the first 15 minutes of meeting them.
“I love you”
Three men have told me they love me since I’ve been here...upon first encounter. I’m not even going to explain the situations in detail because it’s clear how foolish that sounds. Next!
Call me, maybe
A couple of times I felt kind enough to share my number with an African man. Big mistake! Correct me if I’m wrong, but calling someone you just met 10 times successively is a bit excessive if you ask me, especially if the person is not answering the phone. How about calling a person at 8:00 am? I mean, you couldn’t wait until you brushed your teeth first? Let’s just say I’ve learned my lesson, I won’t be giving out my number again anytime soon.  

I still have 3 months left in Africa, but I’ve given up on my search for my African prince.
I guess now I’ll have more time to learn a new hobby or a new language. xo.