Saturday 11 August 2012

Spreading Smiles Around The World

A couple of weeks ago I was having a conversation with one of my colleagues about life, and he asked me the same question that plagues us all, “What do you want to do after college?/What do you want to do with your life?” Being the indecisive person that I am, I have had about 32023938 career goals in the last year, so I replied with a broad response, “I want to spread smiles around the world.”
Since I am in South Africa, I figured this would be a great place to start spreading smiles J. And what better way to spread smiles than by doing community service and helping others, right? So last weekend I found a couple of community service projects that me and some of my fellow study abroaders could participate in, and we went out as a group to help an organization called Southern Ambition with their community service for a day.
The project I contributed to was called “Youth Solutions.” Youth Solutions is a shelter for homeless, black teenage males in the Cape Town area, and since it is a fairly new establishment, there was a lot of work that needed to be done to the facilities. Different projects for the day included painting walls, laying down carpet, gardening, setting up the library, and last but not least braaiing! I helped with setting up the library and did some gardening (but I wasn’t really trying to get dirty). Once all the work was finished, we hung around the shelter and played soccer with some of the young boys until the braai was ready. It was definitely a fun & productive day. I’m looking forward to participating in more community service projects while I’m in Africa!
Fellow volunteers
Cleaning shelves

Organizing and categorizing the books
cleaning shelves
The finished product
The braii = chicken & sausage