Tuesday 27 November 2012

All Good Things Must Come to an End.

My study abroad journey is over. Goodbye South Africa & Hello United States!

 It has been a wonderful experience, and thank you for following me along my journey.

Until next time..

Love, Nika

Thursday 22 November 2012

Give Thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving from Cape Town, South Africa!This is my first time celebrating Thanksgiving away from home, and it is definitely a new experience for me. Usually my Thanksgiving Day is filled with the aroma of fried turkey, collard greens, and macaroni-n-cheese complemented by the sounds of a good ol’ football game playing on the TV, and my moments are spent making memories with the people I love. But today I have none of these things.  I am not bitter, though, because I have so much to be thankful for on this wonderful day: friends, family, good health, the opportunity to be in Africa right now (I could go on forever)...
Although I did not spend Thanksgiving the way I always have for the past 2 decades, I still enjoyed my unconventional Thanksgiving festivities here in South Africa. I went down to the Cape Town city center and scoped out the markets looking for gifts for my loved ones, indulged in some Mexican cuisine (my favorite), and got kissed by the sun while taking a nap on the beach. With only 4 Days left in South Africa, I feel the need to be out and about doing as many activities as possible because I'm sure I will miss this beautiful "Mothercity" when it is time to say Goodbye!

Happy Thanksgiving once again & thanks for reading!

xo, Nika

Saturday 3 November 2012


The countdown has begun. I have less than a month left in South Africa and so much I want to accomplish before it’s time to go home. Time has flown by extremely fast, and I cannot believe it’s almost time to leave this beautiful country. I still remember the first day I arrived at Cape Town International Airport on a rainy night in my Howard hoodie and leggings, freezing my butt off. Now I wouldn't dare walk outside in anything more than a sun dress as the days have been filled with sunshine and are growing more and more beautiful as my departure date approaches. Not only have the seasons changed, though. The Black, American girl (or "African American") who boarded the plane in Washington, D.C. on July 2nd is not the same AFRICAN woman who will be stepping foot in America for the first time in months on November 27th.  Studying abroad in South Africa has truly been a life-changing experience for me. I came to South Africa to STUDY abroad: attend lectures, complete course assignments, and as my mother does not hesitate to remind me whenever possible, make good grades. However, since arriving in South Africa, I have learned more about who Dontranika is than I have anything else.

I have discussed various aspects of my study abroad experience to date, but I have not spoken about my academic experiences at my temporary institution, The University of the Western Cape. Let’s just say my academic study abroad experiences have been anything but blissful. I, Dontranika Horton, do not endorse the educational practices implemented in South Africa. The professors are subpar and the grading scale is ineffective at measuring the mental capacity of its students, but I digress. The classes I am taking here are very interesting and deal with topics such as gender, race, oppression, identities, and last but certainly not least, South African history; however, the course load and expectations for many of my classes are OC (out of control). It was definitely a challenging semester, as far as my academics are concerned, but now that it is exam season all I can do is study hard and pray for the best!

On a brighter note, the cultural experiences I have had here in South Africa have been absolutely amazing! As I said previously, I learned a lot about who I am as an individual and what my identity is as an African American woman.  Being BLACK, especially a black woman, means so many different things, even on the African continent. Am I supposed to be ghetto and poor? Is it okay for me to be educated? Am I supposed to be hypersexual? Is my role to stay at home and bear children? What about my hips, my lips, my naps? I have now accepted the fact that expectations for who I should be based on my gender, race, and socioeconomic status are not standards for how I should choose to live my life. Instead, it is up to me to make decisions for what imprint I would like to leave on this world before I perish. My identity is not shaped by how I look or where I come from, but by how I make sense of the world and interact with those around me. Yes I am a black, middle class woman from America, but more importantly I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, a lover, a scholar, a teacher, a philosopher, a creative mind, a philanthropist, and a queen, and these are the concepts that I can never lose sight of because then I will have lost myself.

I have experienced every emotion from pleasure to anguish, and have seen sights as beautiful as Table Mountain and as ghastly as a community of people living in shacks. I have developed a new sense of gratitude for this life I am blessed to have, for all the opportunities I have been granted, and all the people who love and support me. I have begun a new spiritual journey in search of a deeper relationship with God, and so much more! Being away from my friends and family for so long has instilled in me a sense of autonomy and independence (I even learned to cook a little bit lol). Overall, studying abroad has been the most fulfilling experience of my life. During my time in South African, I have felt so free & more alive than I have ever been in my entire life. Away from the stresses and “hustle & bustle” of the antagonistic American culture, I have been able to try new things and experience a taste of the tranquil yet boisterous African culture with no inhibitions. Soon, I will return home with a clear mind & an open heart, ready to share the “new” me with all my loved ones. And I cannot wait to plan my next trip to the motherland! Next stop, Egypt?

Sunday 21 October 2012

The Greatest Homecoming EVER.

Howard University is known all around the United States for its immaculate homecoming celebration. When I decided to study abroad in South Africa this semester, I knew I'd be missing my final homecoming as an undergraduate student at Howard University, but I was not really upset about the fact that I wouldn't be there for the celebration. I mean, I've been to 3 homecomings so far, it couldn't be much different right?! WRONG! Apparently this was "the greatest homecoming ever," and I happened to be 2349049034 miles away *sighs.* Some of the artists who performed include: 2 Chainz, Meek Mill, Elle Varner, Beenie Man, & T.I. When I heard that Drake (my favorite hip-hop artist) had made a surprise visit to our homecoming concert, popularly known as Yard Fest, I nearly shed a tear. No lie. I have been waiting 4 years for him to make an appearance at Yard Fest, and when he FINALLY comes I am all the way across the Atlantic Ocean parlaying in the motherland. I longed to be at Yard Fest "turning up" with all my friends and taking in the energy from the crowd, not in my dorm room in South Africa watching rain fall down my window sill. Let's just say I became America-sick really quickly.

Watch the video and maybe you can feel my pain lol:

Don't get me wrong, I am a little bitter about missing homecoming this year, but I wouldn't trade in this study abroad experience for anything in the world.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Springtime in Cape Town.

The Company Gardens in Cape Town
South Africa has started to feel a little too comfortable. I've gotten used to my daily routine: wake up, eat, class, eat, homework, eat, sleep, REPEAT. My lifestyle here is not much different from my college lifestyle in the United States, and as the end of the semester approaches and I am greeted by the warm sun and flowers of springtime each day, I am getting more and more exhausted with the monotony of my every day activities. Because of this (and because it was my birthday), I have been feeling a sudden urge to get up and go exploring! I seem to be a little more adventurous than some of the other members in my group, so it's hard to get people to go along with my crazy ideas, such as skydiving, abseiling, or kloofing; nonetheless, for the past few days, me and some of my group members have gone into town, to the waterfront, and to the beach to experience some of the Cape Town attractions that we often forget about being stuck in the bubble of University of the Western Cape (my school).

Howard students with our waiter @ GOLD

FINE DINING: On Friday, some of the members of my Howard University study abroad group surprised me by taking me to an authentic African cuisine restaurant, GOLD. There we enjoyed a 15 course meal (needless to say I was stuffed). There were entertainers who came around to perform different African songs and dances for us, and they pulled me up to dance with them, which was really fun! Oh, and they sang Happy Birthday to me and gave me a birthday shot!

Waterfront Boat Ride
CAPE TOWN: Going into town is always  a wonderful experience, especially when the weather is lovely. This trip to Cape Town consisted of a stop at the "flea market," a visit to the South African Museum, and a nice stroll through The Company Gardens.

WATERFRONT: Taking a trip to waterfront was exciting due to the various street performers and attractions. Me and mi amigo danced to the sounds of the African band that was playing, took a short boat cruise around the area (it was windy, so we couldn't take the long cruise), and ended the night dining at a nice, Italian restaurant by the water.

BEACH: Growing up in Virginia Beach, I have always deemed myself a "beach girl,"so once it got warm enough to make the trip to the nearest beach in Cape Town I definitely did not hesitate. Although it was far too cold to get into the water, I had a wonderful time sitting on the sand and listening to the waves crash with some of my lady friends.